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  • in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38537

    @ the conscience: It seems you've calmed down a bit in the meantime. Thanks god. Because your last posts worried me a bit.

    Basically, if you can't seem to stand my answers, then you should stop asking questions. But I think you're one of those people who isn't particularly interested in answers anyway.

    in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38533

    First and again: What I'm writing here isn't aimed exclusively at Bent or MP, but just as much at opportunistic goody-goodies, striving to belong to the bubble (some of them, under cover of the pack, attack anyone who doesn't strictly follow the Gleichdenk.) And basically I don't chose acts according my socio-political attitudes. Which however doesn't prevent me from maintaining and proclaiming a critical position.

    So, the question if I'm still a psychonaut ist odd. But to answer your question anyway: I have never been a hardcore devotee to any band. As a result I can't "feel disappointed and raged". Sorry to disappoint you.

    The conformity behavior, the cowardly adaptation to the left zeitgeist of artists – and their fans as followers – is not a phenomenon of the "pandemic time"; as a bloc formation, it has accentuated already in the mid-1990s. Who dares to deviate from the pack today? Eric Clapton, Roger Daltrey, Johnny Rotten, King Buzzo – most of them are at the end of their career. Nick Cave has also been critical of the woke movement. We'll see how «The Guardian» and «NYT» will treat him in the future. Maybe these fanboys will adapt to him?

    I prefer the ways of the ones who try to enlighten instead denouncing.

    Go and say this first to those who wish to exclude from the discourse anyone with a dissenting stance! Yes, there are such here, we've had these issues. Yes, leftists are like that. As soon as they run out of arguments (usually this happens pretty soon), with the facts against them, the only method left to them is trying to cancel the other.

    And because of the left-right thing: You can put this in a garbage can. Who cares in 2022?! It‘s only about right or wrong. Or better said, good or bad.

    You are funny! Who to decide what gets labelled "right", "wrong", "good", "bad"? You? A panel of philosophers and intellectuals on their high chairs? With which mindset, which preferences, which backgrounds? So, please! Since 1791, everything comes down to the left-right scheme eventually:

    – Left (socialistic-progressive): centralism, collectivism, equality. Everyone is responsible for everything – so no one is responsible for anything. With an almighty central state that controls, aligns and regulates everything

    – Right (liberal-conservative): federalism, individualism. Liberty, personal responsibility. With a small but fit state, limited to its core tasks

    Relativizations, e.g. the urge for the abolition of the biological gender, the political coordinate system or our political-democratic system are invented and promoted by those who strive to derive maximum benefit from the resulting chaos. Better look closely, as these are the most malicious, militant ideologists out there.

    in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38531

    @ supernaut: Nice try. But it's obvious that my statements are not exclusively directed against one single guy.

    And while Bent might be an admired demigod for you and other boygroup-alike followers, be sure that I have no reservation to confront anyone with my beliefs (preferably those who don't want to hear it) at every opportunity that arises.

    in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38527

    Did I refer to you somewhere?

    in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38525

    the conscience:

    let us discuss, until we are not longer divided. […] And let us try again to discuss in a more friendly, more polite, more constructive way

    These are good intentions, and I also agree with most of your statements (and suntripper's too). But your approach will never work with those who hold an entrenched, solidified ideological mindset. Much more, they consider your approach as a sign of weakness that needs to be exploited. There is only one way to deal with such individuals: Brute force.

    One must never underestimate the consequences of human behavior such as convenience, herd instinct, the desire to belong (to a majority), the fear of social exclusion. Anyone who did not understand it by the time before the pandemic has noticed within the last two years finally how anti-democratic, domineering and authoritarian the left – contrary to their expressed principles – is behaving. However, that's not surprising. Because this class, which sets the tone in the media, the cultural sector, in NGO's, schools and universities, has much more in common with its supposed antithesis, fascism, than is often assumed.

    Fascism and socialism were linked in their formation like siamese twins. They hate each other so fiercely because they are so alike. Their common enemy is liberalism.

    Socialists, leftists in general, are masters of distortion. When the "democratic people's republics" invoked "anti-fascism" in the last century, they did not mean free elections. But the fight against the free West and its democracy. A current example of the mendacity* in dealing with the term democracy is a white paper titled "China: Democracy That Works", recently released by China's State Council Information Office.

    * Next to the term democracy, no term is misused as insidiously as liberalism.

    It's very disappointing how uniform, adjusted, submissive the cultural scene, and as part of it the (rock) music scene, has assimilated to the left-wing, predominant Zeitgeist. Just imagine the avant-garde of the 1960s and 1970s had campaigned for the Vietnam war, for a decent, healthy, austere and hard-working life – in total conformation to the authorities and the ruling class back then… But this kind of adaptation, this cowardice is exactly what we have been experiencing for three decades now.

    Yes, they still have long, unwashed hair, they wear their uniform such as jeans, leather boots and a leather jacket – wooow! Johnny Hallyday blessed sends greetings from beyond! But anyone of those who thinks they are avant-garde, part of a counterculture can only be pitied.

    in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38512
    Hopefully the upcoming shows remain 2+

    Which shows that for those who support this, it's, at the latest now, not about protection anymore – if it ever was anyway. It's about exclusion against those that are not obedient.

    Which again shows what intolerant, immature and cowardly persons such individuals like boomer and supernaut are.

    in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38497
    I have many friends in the city who have witnessed firsthand the influence and presence of far-right movements in the convoy including the presence of swastikas and confederate flags as well as known far-right agitators and political figures.

    They may have "witnessed" the presence (far more likely they just parrot along the mainstream-talk), but for sure they can't judge the "influence" of these elements onto said movement. And as they may see it through their usual biased urban – say, left-wing mono-cultural view, most of them are quick to denounce the whole movement as "far-right, swastika-waving racists". But the predominant majority of the "Freedom Convoy"-activists have nothing to do with that.

    Such a defamation is perfidious, cheap and malignant. It would be the same deceitful framing to denounce every left movement as a communist goon squad, just by the appearance of half a dozen Antifa-idiots.

    Oh, maybe you are one of those who calls everyone a "far-right, swastika-waving racist" just because they have different opinions than yours. Well, then this says nothing about them, but everything about you.

    in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38495
    It is absolutely disgusting to adress these things to Bent and it shows how much you lost balance. Open a thread with this topic but leave the band alone with any accussiations.

    Do us a favor and leave us alone with your aggressive intolerance. And take your oh-so-woke intellectual and rebellious artist Bent with you. Unduly simplified both you are.

    in reply to: OT but not really: Spotify #39552

    Hey suntripper, and by the way:

    So you believe the fairy stories around bin Laden?

    There's your homework, Norman!

    Imagine I would write: "How naive you are! Back to school with you, suntripper!" And following, upon your reaction:

    I simply sought to tease you, in good humour. Why did my post touch a nerve? Rather than engage in an interesting discussion, you just come back with the ad hominem attack. What do you hope to achieve with this style of yours?

    See? We reap what we sow.

    in reply to: OT but not really: Spotify #39548

    suntripper, look at your dubious post again. Then, read this:

    What an unpleasant little post! … Rather than engage in an interesting discussion … What do you hope to achieve with this style of yours?

    You may be trapped in a loop now.

    in reply to: OT but not really: Spotify #39546

    suntripper, I'm overstrained by your amazing post! You make the impression of yourself as a highly educated person, a critical mind, a thinking man. Surely you consider yourself an intellectual, correct?


    I recently read Putin fears an EU expansion more than a NATO expansion

    You recently read that… and it seems that it became your opinion right away as it sounds wonderful for a hippie-esque pacifistic EU-supporter. That's ok. But is it also coherent? Let me make it short: It's rubbish.

    we should be careful that we do not turn into the people we fight by using their methods.

    Careful, indeed. Even if they have missiles, bombers, cyber attacks, guns, tanks, – we should be gentle, regardful, practising Yoga, eating vegan. Again: Logic?

    And who are "the people we fight"? Is there a war going on? Did I miss something? What have you read?

    in reply to: OT but not really: Spotify #39543

    Hello again :-)

    Helsing says it will use "world-leading AI technology for defence and national security" to provide "information advantage for democratic governments" and "keep liberal democracies from harm."

    Sounds good, that's what we need! Helsing might become a competitor to Palantir, another great company who's data mining helped to locate the hideout of Osama bin Laden (to eventually kill him).

    I hope that that's ok with you guys, right?

    in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38475

    David, you should be conscious of the fact that you haven't understood anything at all yet. Which is a consequence of your self-righteous behaviour.

    So, act more properly, reserved – just like a grown up. Oh, and get a job!

    in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38469

    @suntripper: Since you've posted your link to the V-Stop festival, I was musing how the reaction over here would be after the announcement of such an event. For sure there would be a grim politization immediately, a polarization that soon would raise into a "us vs. them", meaning: we, the ones with discernment, the sensitive ones from the civil society, against […you know what to put in here]. That’s Germany, 2021.

    But a fine example of the idiosyncrasy of different societies. The diversity is a main factor that makes this continent so unique. And that's the reason why supranationalism will never work; at least in democratic societies, people don't want consolidation of institutional powers. It's dead wrong when homogeneous legislation gets imposed in Bruxelles, then compulsorily has to be implemented in each and every country. These unelected bureaucrats, of which most of them never had a real job out of politics, are totally disconnected from the life of ordinary people.

    Freedom and liberty means that you take responsibility for yourself, your family, your relatives, that you engage in your community. The political system and its institutions is there to set the frame condition on a greater level. But the persons in charge need to bear upon the society; at least on the legislative-, but also on judiciary level. In 2011 and after a report of the think tank «Policy Exchange», there was a debate in the UK about the intrusive role of the European Court of Human Rights in Strassbourg, having "taken upon itself an extraordinary power to micromanage the legal systems of European states" as Leonhard Hoffmann (a top-notch lawyer) then analyzed. During a debate in the House of Commons it was Dominic Raab who made it clear that it’s the UK, and it should be the UK only, to decide about the effective law in the country.

    Later that year, during the yearly convention of the Tories, then home secretary Theresa May even demanded the abolishment of the Human Rights Act. She earned a standing ovation – rightly so – for that distinct statement.

    It would be a dangerous mistake to lean back and take our current standard of freedom and liberty for granted. The same goes with our level of wealth which has been built up for decades. Not by self-righteous politicians, not by overpaid bureaucrats, not by philosophical dreamers and blithering idiots talking of an unconditional basic income. But by normal people – the working class.

    «Thank you to all the hardworking men and women who do their duty each and every day – making this a better world for everyone. Together, let us send our love and gratitude to them – because they make our countries run.» (Donald Trump, Davos speech 2018)

    in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38468

    As the times they are a-changin', poor supernaut has not realized yet that now he is the troll.

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…hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994