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It's been time that you guys get your mp-shows "back home" again If it wouldn't be so much effort/costs, I'd join: Have some great sets and nights!
A second show for Trondheim is added on Thursday, March 17 – ohoooo!
Motorpsycho – ekstrakonsert
Powerline took the date off their agenda
There's hope that it might not happen but a solo show But it might as well be that the announcement came to early
Update: The second festival-date is officially confirmed now!
Oh… I wish(ed) a solo show would be added in Germany
Neither was I, but I prefer to have Oya be released besides RWIV :wink:
Regarding the past quotes of Bent, it will most likabely not be Oya, or at least not only the Oya-show: Can't wait to hear pure mp-kenneth-psycho in full audio from my record player! Bring us the Jams :MPD:
Wow, thank you for the collage kippenhok! I found this show at the "Watt" extraordinarily good es well: worth a rw (except for the bloke who shouted at the end of all is loneliness, bummer) do you think there's more material available, even if audio only?
Exactly, I also expect Oya beside and a focus on "pure mp Kenneth-era" on double CD and triple vinyl
In former interviews Bent was quoted as to be "going intensively through material of the Kenneth-era", so it might not be (only) the Oya-show.
Google translation into German is just hilarious
MP kommt nach Stord
Stordfest nicht aufgeben mit großer Konzerte und kann nun einen neuen zu behandeln. (…)
– Abschluss der Freude Crack
Samstag, 12. März kommt in trøndere MP Leirvik aufstehen den Felsen Stimmung.
– Stordfest ist mit Freude platzt nach Erhalt bestätigt, dass Norwegen am glaubwürdigsten und lange leben Rockbands der Reise nach Stord nehmen. Das Konzert in der Arena, einer der yttarst paar Stationen auf unserer ihren Stimmzettel in Norwegen, schreiben die Organisatoren in einer Pressemitteilung.
Nominiert für den Geiger
Ahemm… "Stord" seems only about 80KM from Bergen, on a Saturday, three shows in a row… hmmm! 8O
Still these are "Norwegian" kilometers, meaning ferries and tunnels, right?
Wow, a thousand would be a looot! Like Fillmore said, you'd probably have better chances by selling the 3-4 rarest pieces seperately as the potential collector will have 90% of the stuff, at least announce/describe them more prominent. On the other hand you'll not have to "turn the knive" more than needed like this Good luck! And niiice that you can see them in Herzberg
Probably worth trying at Stickman? They are sold out for ages, but the occasion sounds too lovely – one never knows if one piece probably was found behind a box or so…
Good luck
Are you the seller? This is weird: who is collecting the whole catalogue in mint condition until the latest 7-inch to sell the whole collection?! Well… maybe it's been kept complete to be sold as a "whole" (though it is not complete in fact, but some yummy bits are in indeed