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  • in reply to: Cloudwalkers Live LP Freak Valley Festival 2014 #37165

    Okay, thank you. Patience is a virtue, I'll work on my skills ;)

    in reply to: Cloudwalkers Live LP Freak Valley Festival 2014 #37164
    in reply to: Cloudwalkers Live LP Freak Valley Festival 2014 #37162

    Hey David – good to hear, and I am deeply interested in trading this vinyl.

    Do you already know what other Motorpsycho gems you would like to have in exchange for Cloudwalkers? Hope I'll be able to trade …

    in reply to: Cloudwalkers Live LP Freak Valley Festival 2014 #37160

    Hi everybody, is anyone here having an extra copy of the Cloudwalkers E.P. and willing to sell it at a reasonable price from Psychonautvto Psychonaut – I do not want to feed the Discogs-Monster …

    in reply to: The Motorpnakotic Manuscripts #26682

    Thank you fir this link!

    Crazy pricing!!! 🤮

    in reply to: The Motorpnakotic Manuscripts #26680


    does anyone here own the 9th fragment and can post a picture of the etching on the vinyl?

    in reply to: A Boxful of Demons #32117

    At Falck Forlag in Norway this gem is still available and I ordered the vinyl box and payed with Paypal a few days ago (around 140€, and I guess customs fees will have to be added once it arrives in Germany … sigh …). Unfortunately I did not get any response from Falck Forlag until today. I hope everyone is healthy at FF …

    Does anybody know more?

    At the time it was published, I was not interested in vinyl so I ordered the CD Box – well, things have changed and now it HAS TO BE vinyl – changing one´s interest can be very expensive for a hobby, I must say! ;)

    Stay safe and healthy, Psychonauts around the world!

    in reply to: Cloudwalkers Live LP Freak Valley Festival 2014 #37158

    Well, I live in Germany and I mailed a colleague in Florida and asked him to order a cooy for me, but he read my mail too late when he tried, it was already sold out. Still feeling a little grumpy that this release is not available for everyone.

    : is there any chance for me to be one of the lucky psychonauts you would like to share your copies with? You would make an old man happy … ;)

    in reply to: Cloudwalkers Live LP Freak Valley Festival 2014 #37123

    Anyone here from the USA who would buy a copy and send it over to Germany for me?

    So disappointed that they only ship to the US …

    in reply to: A boxful of demons #36766

    Skvis does not seem to ship to Germany unfortunately. Any idea how to get an LP Box to Germany without havibg to pay those horrible shipping costs?

    in reply to: 2019-10-18 Hengelo, Metropool #36289

    Heavily, heavily spaced out concert. Psychedelic from the first tone to the last. It' s been the twentysomethingst Gig I' ve been to, and I' m quite close to saying it was the best one I have ever attended. Unbelievable…

    in reply to: NO! Magazine #19 with Motorpsycho 10" #35380

    Got mine today: clear vinyl and the 3-faces-artwork inside. I really love the artwork, but to be honest, I am a little disappointed regarding the music. I was really hoping to find the opening track from the DVD, which I really loved watching the theater play. Already was disappointed that it was not on the original CD and felt this 10'' might be a second chance. I still hope, the opening track will find it's way through another release.

    in reply to: Motorpsycho live 2019 #33855

    After Spidergawd and Elder having detected Dortmund on the map, I still hope for Motorpsycho to follow and play their first gig ever here. Well, hope dies last …

    in reply to: 2018-07-27 Burg Herzberg Festival #33216

    The Wheel is just perfect. Hope they keep it in their setlist for the next gigs – still their "Ãœber-Song" in my opinion, knocking me off whenever I hear it!!!

    in reply to: Soothe Vinyl – Value #33518

    I did it, thanks for your help – I never thought I´d pay a hundred bucks for a vinyl someday, but the times they are a changin´… ;)

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