the conscience

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  • in reply to: New Music #34860
    the conscience

      Thanx a lot punknotyet. Giant Sky is very nice. I already hear it the 2nd time.Singer 2nd Song is from Soup if I hear right

      in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38466
      the conscience

        Wasn‘t it you supernaut who has wriiten the most in this thread? :)

        in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38461
        the conscience

          Thanx you so much suntripper for still sharing your thoughts, for don’t give up fighting for freedom, for always finding the right words and even be polite when people who have not much to say by themselves try to censor you

          in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38450
          the conscience

            the great (and more polite)reset!

            in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38443
            the conscience

              (translated by google translate): German version underneath:

              Until a few years ago, an artist needed a lot of naked human bodies, gallons of animal blood or piss on pictures of sons of God and prophets in order to be able to properly provoke. Nowadays it is apparently enough to express concerns when it comes to whether healthy people should be injected with an unknown, novel vaccine that may affect the natural immune system in order to be able to experience their favorite band live in the future.

              Of course, a more polite conversation would be good for everyone involved. However, a certain degree of provocation has certainly also led to some, not insignificant, and in the best case also constructive to light, or some self-loving vaccination heroes and vaccination skeptics were given the opportunity to profile themselves with their own statements or even to be disqualified. It is therefore not always necessary to point this out with further taunts or insults, even if the temptation is sometimes enormous.

              Despite several months now, I am personally glad that the discussion is continuing, that one or the other might learn something and I still hope for equality for ALL psychonauts when it comes to regaining the freedom and the right to sweaty concerts. The freedom for fans of both camps and also for all individuals who are somewhere in between, because there are no two exactly the same opinions, even if some like-minded people like to show solidarity with one another, especially when it comes to picking on someone who is not so thinks how they'd like it to be.

              Should anyone want to be vaccinated, as long as they are adults and not put any pressure on others, especially uninformed older people, let alone children, by glorifying their personal opinions and possibly also serving as role models.

              Hence my request to find a way to communicate again and stop trying to kill, insult, defame, denounce or censor anyone just because he or she disagrees with you. And yes, the writer of these lines is also touching his own nose.

              German Version:

              Bis vor ein paar Jahren brauchte ein Künstler noch jede Menge nackter menschlicher Körper, literweise Tierblut oder Pisse auf Bildern von Gottessöhnen und Propheten, um anständig provozieren zu können. Heutzutage reicht es scheinbar aus, Bedenken zu äußern, wenn es darum geht, ob sich gesunde Menschen mit einem unbekannten neuartigen, möglicherweise das natürliche Immunsystem beeinflussenden Impfstoff spritzen lassen sollen, um auch in Zukunft die Lieblingsband live erleben zu dürfen.

              Selbstverständlich würde eine etwas höflichere Konversation allen Beteiligten guttun. Allerdings hat ein gewisser Grad von Provokation sicherlich auch dazu geführt, einiges, nicht Unwesentliches, und im besten Falle auch Konstruktives ans Licht zu bringen, beziehungsweise bekamen einige selbstverliebte Impfhelden, sowie Impfskeptiker die Gelegenheit, sich selbst mit ihren eigenen Aussagen zu profilieren oder eben auch zu disqualifizieren. Es ist daher nicht immer nötig, mit weiteren Sticheleien oder Beschimpfungen darauf hinzuweisen, auch wenn die Verlockung manchmal enorm groß ist.

              Trotz inzwischen mehreren Monaten bin ich persönlich froh, dass die Diskussion weitergeführt wird, der ein oder andere vielleicht noch etwas dazu lernt und hoffe noch immer auf Gleichberechtigung für ALLE Psychonauten, wenn es darum geht, die Freiheit und das Recht auf schweißtreibende Konzerte zurückzuerlangen. Die Freiheit für Fans beider Lager und auch allen Individuen, die irgendwo dazwischenliegen, denn es gibt keine zwei genau gleichen Meinungen, auch wenn sich manche Gleichgesinnte gerne untereinander solidarisch zeigen, vor allem, wenn es darum geht, gemeinsam auf jemandem herumzuhacken, der nicht so denkt, wie sie es gerne hätten.

              Soll sich impfen lassen, wer möchte, so lange sie erwachsen sind und keinen Druck auf andere, insbesondere unaufgeklärte ältere Menschen, geschweige denn Kinder ausüben, indem sie ihre persönliche Meinung glorifizieren und möglicherweise auch als Vorbild dienen.

              Daher meine Bitte, findet wieder einen Weg zu kommunizieren und hört auf jeden fertig machen zu wollen, beleidigen, diffamieren, anzuprangern oder zensieren, nur weil er oder sie nicht der euren Meinung ist. Und ja, der Schreiber dieser Zeilen fasst sich gerade auch an die eigene Nase.

              in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38420
              the conscience

                thanx a lot Valderrama to bring this thread on a higher level (again) I feel like a psychonaut again:)

                in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38409
                the conscience

                  „Damn right! Some folks just don't get that they confuse opinions with facts and freedom with egoism“

                  Damn right. Congratulations

                  in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38407
                  the conscience

                    @ Johnny „Those freedoms were hard won, that's true – by the people who sticked to the – sometimes harsh, sometimes quite illogical, but still necessary – rules, by the people who inventend and produced the vaccines in very short time, by the medical staff that worked 24 hrs a day to save people and to prevent others getting sick. And by those who willingly undertook the risk to get vaccined with rather unknown medication. Those just protesting and refusing did nothing for the freedom they claim to defend@

                    Maybe you are right but maybe springtime and Summer is the real reason for the less positively tested persons in the moment or maybe anything else

                    in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38404
                    the conscience

                      Some psychonauts have an opinion about some songs and let everyvbody know and write something complete different after getting deeper and begin to understand. Think about it J

                      in reply to: Is there anybody out there? #38868
                      the conscience

                        Is there really anybody out there, who do not LOVE B.S.or/and What If, go searching your heart, put it in place and try it again. :MPD:

                        in reply to: Kingdom of Oblivion #38155
                        the conscience

                          @Kid A. Good poiint. I think you are right.

                          Plus: MP is an ALBUM band in these short attention times.

                          in reply to: Short interview with Bent for #38400
                          the conscience

                            2 months ago:

                            BENT: I think vaccination certificates are reasonable, so I would not have any problem with such a regulation.

                            The good news is: Bent was is probably too busy making music to dig deeper into…

                            The bad news is: Bent was is probably too busy making music to dig deeper…

                            Present time in London, UK:



                            in reply to: Kingdom of Oblivion #38146
                            the conscience

                              @ Johnny. Of cause full volume. What else? 😁

                              in reply to: Kingdom of Oblivion #38144
                              the conscience

                                Forgotten to say. I am no Professional. Maybe my ears cannot hear what the Dynamics Problem should be.

                                in reply to: Kingdom of Oblivion #38143
                                the conscience

                                  I hava a question. I only have the vinyl version and like the sound very much on a proper Stereo and very good headphones.Is the Dynamics problem maybe only a digital Problem? I consider KoO as their best Dance Album. Its funktional and emotional music at the same Time and the solos are just colors to Freak out totally 😁

                                Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 159 total)

                                …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994