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  • in reply to: 2019-05-03 Verkstedhallen, Trondheim, NO #35405

    @Vilhelm: no, you looked like an ass. In real life as(s) well. Try to refrain from touching strangers in that way in the future and then cook up some phony story here or other places to put the blame on the victim of your desires. It might end badly. Take care now, son.

    As(s) for the rest of you: fair point on the whatever thing it was we agreed upon. This is neither the time or the place, as(s) the poet had it.

    Peace off!

    in reply to: 2019-05-03 Verkstedhallen, Trondheim, NO #35400

    @Tomcat: of course it is a joke. Who the bloody hell would do something as asinine as that, eh? Who'd even think of such a thing? Well, maybe mister ass-grabber over here would make something like that up to cover the tracks of his own filthy train of thoughts…

    What a joke indeed. Good thing I remember what the guy looked like. Or felt, even.

    in reply to: 2019-05-03 Verkstedhallen, Trondheim, NO #35398

    @Vilhelm: it was me and the way you are presenting your rather fanciful tale here as 'fact' is nothing less than laughable, mate. If you every even try grab my behind like that again and behave like a twat about it, I will indeed punch you in yer privates, son. And not only once. Be forwarned, the threath is real.

    Other than this BS going down, the gig was great. Still. Antics like that will dampen even the highest of spirits.

    in reply to: Motorpsycho's working methods #33338

    Guy gets knickers in twist bcuz MP is not tripping 24/7, guy (mis)quotes Oasis on throwing life away and such. The sign of a true freak born ca. 1983, I tells ya.

    Jumping Jack Flash, as the Beatles were wont to say :D

    in reply to: That Motorpsychodelic Drug thing… #33384

    Ah, my best friend in the world. You are truely one of the dumbest pieces of fluff that ever blew out from under the sofa… :lol: :lol: :lol:

    So if someone were to write about, let's say nuclear war, murder and/or paedophilia for the sake of the 'argument', they are a bunch of posers if they don't have have any personal experience when it comes to said subjects? That is a pretty tall order, monkey-boy.

    Do you understand what the 'Chemical Wedding' is? And that the word 'trip' have more meanings than just the one? No? Thought so. Read a book or summat. You can get them free from any library…

    Also: why are you pretending to be an acid head? Stop smoking your mother's tea leaves and get a job, son.

    P.S. :finger:

    :D :D :D

    Welcome to the cheap seats, indeed.

    in reply to: Your band #15465


    in reply to: 'bout a MP's "Baker's Dozen"? #33015

    @Punj Lizard: yeah, the band getting paid a fair share is pretty high on my list of priorities.

    in reply to: 'bout a MP's "Baker's Dozen"? #33013

    While I 'm no fan of Phish, I do appreciate the way they do their 'thing', if you will. Pearl Jam, a band I mostly find a total bore, also did some great (for the fans) official bootleg releases of several whole tours, as did their heroes in the Mighty Who. Just too bad it was the modern day version of the latter band…

    Anyhow, the model MP should follow and which makes most sense IMO, would of course be that of the Dead. How about a Bent's Picks series where you'd get either the best of compliations of a few dates in a row or entire gigs? Even whole runs would be great for the man with money or a credit card available. Or even better (just to piss off the whining wieners): something closer to latest series of Grateful Dead releases, where you'd pay in advance and get 4 yearly installments from the archives (plus a bonus disc for the trusty subscriber)?

    I'd seriously love that approach, personally :STG:

    in reply to: A Boxful of Demons #32067

    First of all: DogLicksMan is always right. Even all the times that he is absolutely wrong. If you are dumb enough to read my harsh but carefully savagings of the entitled and scummy as 'trolling', it says something about the density of yer process of thought, me old mucker.

    But then again: since I actually had some money at the time/a credit card/dipped into my kid's college fund (again), I am now actually the proud owner of a very beautiful and pretty inexpensive box set that includes some papers I will never read by some author I don't care about and some really WONDERFUL live recordings of the band we are actually supposed to love. And IF ya actually love this astonishing band that we are so incredibly fortunate to have in our lives, why didin't you shell out a few sheckles to keep 'em running?

    Pretty stoopid move if you live in Norway and disn't seize this opportunity with both hands. Why? Well, this is pretty much the best live recording I've ever heard of the Migthy MP. The quality of the music and playing is stupifying and the sound itself is… Well, it just IS. Lovely, that is. And I do truly feel sorry for you guys out there in them foreign lands that couldn't order it. The artifact as such looks great on the shelf but more than that the music is truly essential.

    Now leave me alone, world :MPD:

    in reply to: A Boxful of Demons #32018

    To any person trying to label old Dogman here as a troll. First of all, ask yourselves this, my friendly friends: what is more troll-like of a) being on a band's semi-official forum looking for handouts (in the form of illegal downloads and such) while complaining about prices and also calling the band greedy or b) pointing out that this is very unbecoming behavior?


    in reply to: A Boxful of Demons #32007

    My heart goes out to each and every b(lo)ody that feels ripped off but the most expolitative band in the history of recorded music. I mean, who do these bastards think that they are, eh?

    Jesus fucking Snah, you guys are too much.

    And it is always the same lame-ass excuses. I cannot afford it because blah blah blah. Well, you are grown men, aren't you? Get a fucking credit card and stop whining like you are still in kindergarten or perhaps try to save up some money for moments such ase these. It is actually do-able. Or even better: buy one off of me from eBay in a month or three. No problem, dudes, I have ten of each. But most likely: you will justify copying the whole thing for free off some friendly hippie doofus since you didn't get the combination of formats that was tailor-made to suit your needs. 'Because they didn't make it three 7'' singles, one ep and a BETAMAX'. Like all true Psychonauts do… :D

    Really, who cares about supporting a band that already are planning to use some of the money they made from this project to finance the recording of their next album. For which we should be more than grateful. I do agree that they could have made a couple of cheaper options and I also see the point about shipping. Then again, shipping is hella expensive in Norway, even for the unfortunate locals. That is why you usually buy your stuff (as if) from Stickman.

    Had these been the only points most people were making, I could have easily lived with it and felt a little bit sad for your broke asses. But instead some of you are talking about being ripped off because you bought (or refused to buy) a project they wanted to make something special out of. What a crock of absolute shaite the internet is that made people feel that it was okay to always behave with such an obscene amount of entitlement :finger:

    in reply to: A Boxful of Demons #31958

    There is something for me everywhere I turn, Ercarnar. Such is life in all its many-splendoured phases of sheer and eternal wonderment. I just do not give a crap most of the time, that is all. Live and let live, that is my motto.

    In addition to: 'Support your favorite artists and try not be a scrounger', that is.

    Peace off or whatever that sayin' is.

    in reply to: A Boxful of Demons #31955

    Now we'll just have to set our watches and wait for the first poster who wants a translation of the book, a needledrop of the vinyl since he hates cd and/or the bluray burned to the format of his choice. For free.


    in reply to: California EP #30727

    @bartok: Trump? Is it 2016 yet, broski? What a sick burrn, duuude.

    If you instead of becoming outraged tried to use what brains the illicit coupling of your father and mother gave you, you probably would/could/should understand that people asking for handouts like this on the band's own forum (ca.) is pretty fucking rude. In fact a lot ruder than my reply to you is.

    And if you in addition to doing some actually thinking also could try to open yer pwetty blue eyes and see that there are in fact more leeches like that guy in this thread. One of them is the friendly one posting above me here.

    Now please go away, you are a disgrace to the human race.

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…hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994