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  • in reply to: 2019-05-22 Leuven,Het Depot #35611

      Junipher Greene ? I'll check that out. These references of Bent's provide us with nice links to undiscovered gems! As for the name dropping game during The Other Fool, I had come to believe each time a local legend was mentioned, like he did during the Netherland gigs. Anyway, I love this little twist.

      And…great to have an upload, enjoying it right now!

      in reply to: 2019-05-22 Leuven,Het Depot #35603

        heard on what they were going to "chill out" in The Other Fool ? I've heard something like "Chillout to (a) beautifull …. ".


        Could it have been Belgium band from the 90's the Beautiful Babies ?

        Meanwhile, reading all the exploits with the 'tour box'thingy; with or without poster, coffee stains, coloured vinyl, etc. I can't help but laugh, what a way to go on your 30 birthday as a band. This affair also reminds of the Child of the Future and Fragments controversy : for some but not for all (alas!) This very professional band, still going about their special wannahave stuff like a punkband :lol:

        in reply to: 2019-05-21 Groningen VERA #35587

          Another night of Motor-psy-sonic delight, well worth driving 2x 230 km for. After the Tivoli gig,I was still so full of impressions, that tonight I sort of let go of expectations, of songs altogether in a way. Just swimming in that sea of sound was so wonderful, I feel now totally addicted to this sensory/acoustic sensation. Getting down to earth; I had a wonderful meet up with the one and only Punj Lizzard, and as I suspected we had good conversation and are the brothers in psychonautica we are. Greetings, friend. Some details of this gig: this time at the name dropping game during The Other Fool Bent mentioned another 70's Dutch (prog?!?)band: Earth & Fire. Check out their early stuff! If this goes on, I may even get to feel proud being Dutch :D

          The silly band introduction at the end I didn't hear to well, apart from "Snah on bass guitar" (with Snah himself pointing "rockstar"-smiling into the audience, the man has a talent for mime!). Bedroom eyes was the only acoustic song played tonight. First time I ever witnessed a drumsolo during an MP gig; I believe during Walking on the water Tomas got the space to show us what he got, and we can only drop our jaws at that! Highlight for me was the Alchemist, I love that piece (especially on roadwork 4) and it's a different trip every time. Well….bedtime now, I guess….for those going, have a great time at Leuven tomorrow!You/we are a happy few!

          in reply to: 2019-05-19 Tivoli Utrecht #35568

            Neverland; a master popsong, and why not, if someone like Corey Taylor can get away with singing Spongebob, the Netherlands win the %$#*îng Eurovision songcontest with that Duncan guy, why not enjoy and sing along with Neverland? I don't even believe it's tongue in cheek, it's just their happy poptune and I'll always love it, even in the 'barbershop' version they played this night! Same goes for Go to California, which I see as the twin brother/sister of this song. And in a show it brings a welcome contrast to all that heavy stuff, i.m.o.

            in reply to: 2019-05-19 Tivoli Utrecht #35563

              sure, Punj, just look for the whitebearded guy with glasses & red Indian Shiva shirt trying to fix his earplugs somewhere 3rd row in front of the stage! See you there!

              in reply to: 2019-05-19 Tivoli Utrecht #35561

                It was a beautiful sister! :lol:

                in reply to: 2019-05-19 Tivoli Utrecht #35553

                  Thanks for that setlist, ffbernie. Was that you filming in the front?

                  By the way, the namedropping game in The Other Fool continued: tonight we got to chill out with…….Supersister! ( Dutch group from the seventies)

                  in reply to: Weird progressive and or psychedelic folk (rock) #35517

                    thanks @Johnny_Heartfield for these links of weirdness, it almost got me to get out my Amon duul and Henry Cow records, but although these freakfolkies had undeniable creativity, their music nowadays also gives me a bit of a nauseous feeling, I think there's something errr…hysterical about it. Still, that dracula song rules! Got to think of it, I still have the recorder-flute of my prime-school days somewhere, next time me and my bro have a session I should bring it along, so you brought something inspiring to these threads! I used to worship the early work of The Residents for years until I suddenly had had enough, they used to be weird-folky on their early stuff sometimes (but; talking about 'hysterical', it's their middle name!)… 8O :lol:

                    in reply to: 2019.05.18 – Flashback Records, London #35524

                      About 100 people at the 'electric'gig and 30 at the acoustic one…MP must be feeling a bit like in their first year this way…? I can't understand, how come there's not yet the dedicated lovecult following we see in other parts of Europe, as the Brits surely have a feel for great and original bands, I mean half of the history of rock came from the UK. so….? Anyway, it must indeed be special and something to envy if you're the informed one Who Knows about MP and enjoy them in an intimate setting like this!Oh well, today 30, next year maybe 300, but although I think it would be great if MP got the recognition they deserve, egoistically I'm still so happy they haven't (yet?) become a stadium band, so if we like we can still stand in the 3rd row from the stage with our heroes a few feet away, still just these guys, human, like us but unlike most of us extraterrestrially talented ofcourse, haha! Thanks to everyone for their concert reports so far, I'll be getting my dose tomorrow (Utrecht) and later some more at a very special MP-venue (Vera Groningen), what bliss! :MPD:

                      in reply to: 4 Day Norwegian Spring Tour Live Vids Extravaganza #35282

                        @Punj Lizard Ah I see, didn't know this Wishbone Ash album, another one added to my want-list.

                        They play it pretty exact to the original, and I still feel it's very "recent MP" style, but MP is a time travelling telephone boot anyway, … thanks.

                        in reply to: 4 Day Norwegian Spring Tour Live Vids Extravaganza #35280

                          Enjoying the latest clips! Can someone tell me where in the song UeberPelgrim the Pelgrim part is from? Is it by MP or what? Sounds like matching the Crucible-songs a lot…

                          Have been laughing my head off seeing the Bergen Psycho's in the front of the audience totally going far out, the one guy drumming on his friends bald head et all, these 2 are the funniest MP cheerleaders I've yet seen, whoever you are, thanks for your extravagant contribution to these clips :lol:

                          in reply to: Motorpsycho live 2019 #33988

                            Magma play 17/10 at the Kesselhaus…another hard choice for people in the area. I planned on seeing Magma live the 18th (Brussels) but now of course MP in Hengelo it will be. Oh well, guess I hope some day my dream of a double Magma/MP bill will come thru, that would probably be the best concert in my life! (which would of course last for 5 hours or more and into eternity!) 8O

                            in reply to: Sinus, Bodø 04.04.19 #35156

                              @The Other Anders ; exactly what I'm thinking whenever I see the setlists (although it's fun); they could play 7 versions of 'star spangled banner'for all I care and still blow the roof off! Some MP concerts I went to didn't have a surprising setlist (2018: more The Tower, again) and yet could be a very special and surprising experience, as MP always guarantees adventure.

                              in reply to: Motorpsycho live 2019 #33971

                                …"Come to Netherland…hoohoo oohoo hoo oo ooooo!" great news, I'll get an MP overdose in 2019! :o

                                in reply to: Bent vs Stravinsky #35126

                                  Wow, that's great. Strawinsky is probably my longest loved modern composer.Les Noces (the wedding) is a piece exactly sounding like a rather chaotic gathering of guests the Russian folky way, finally to be brought to peace and to a mystical level by the singing of the priest and the ringing of the bells.

                                  Strawinsky has written a lot of incredible pieces, and I can see relations to MP music, like dynamics and often overwhelmingly beautiful melodies that are always used economically. The finale of the firebird is one example, a great melody developing in it's voicing and power to become a supernova in sound, a lot like some MP stuff we know and love!

                                  If you 'know' Strawinsky's well known classics, I recommend getting into pieces like Appolo Musagete or the Psalm Symphony. They are at first complex and hard to get but very rewarding music in the end, something like growing to love The Crucible !

                                  Been listening a lot to Magma these past 3 weeks and hear some Strawinsky there as well, like in Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandoh,and even more in the children's choir version of it:Baba Yaga,

                                  some Russian folk singing in the Strawinsky/Vander way.

                                  Always good to hear from MP what music they're listening to, and I hope this will indeed shine through in their coming compositions. Since they mentioned the string quartets of Bela Bartok, those are up for me now, more modern-classic masterpieces carrying seeds of recent MP pieces.

                                  In Holland we had a band from Nijmegen in the 80's named Bazooka, they did a great exploration of their own "Strawinsky as a rock band" thing, best album of theirs is called "A Igor S. "

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                                …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994