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  • in reply to: Dagsavisen interview with Bent/Snah (January 12th, 2010) #15970

      I don’t think they have sold 10 000 copies of COTF, but 10 000 vinylalbums overall.

      or maybe they say 3000 because they don’t want the government to know the real numbers…

      in reply to: January new album!!! #14834

        this sounds promising, but the Barracuda references scares me…. a lot

        in reply to: visions #202 features motorpsycho – german #15782

          hope someone can put the review out here as soon as it’s out. i am really looking forward to this album now. the sound clips sounds promising and an album of the month is never a bad deal.

          ( i am also waiting for the new silver mt.zion and spoon. and there you have possibility to listen to a full song of the new album. why can’t motorpsycho do something like that. and if you order the vinyl you get a cd/mp3 of the album. Hope MP will do something like that. btw; check out the vinyl package to silver mt.zion. that’s what i call a cool package )

          in reply to: Writing a term paper, feat. Motorpsycho #15598

            i strongly recommend you too check out the story about Wilco when the were making Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (the greatest record this decade without doubt).

            their record company refused to release this record. they refused to change it. they streamed it on the website. another record company signed them (and this record company was a “under-label” of the one that refused to release the record). They released the record and it was their best selling record to that point. Jeff Tweedy of wilco have spoken very friendly of music downloading. today they stream their record before they are released, if you have the record it’s often possible til get som bonus stuff, the vinyl comes with a free cd of the album (learn Motorpsycho :-) ) , DVD’s come with a code so you can download the music in mp3.

            when they released Being There as a double cd a record boss said “who the fuck do Jeff Tweedy thinks he is ? Neil Young???” they were signed to a major label and Jeff lost some royalties money because he refused to release it a “one-cd-only”

            so there you have a another band as an example of doing things their own way both in thoughts and music and have a big success with it (also on a bigger level than motorpsycho)

            in reply to: January new album!!! #14756

              since i saw the cover i am looking forward to this. all the GREAT MP albums have great coves (TM, blissard, AADAP, RW I). Demon Box is ofcourse great, but every rule has an exeption. (And on the other hand you have Barracuda- terrible cover and terrible “abum”).

              hopefully the vinyl will have CD / MP3 coupon :- )

              in reply to: is there any more music out there? #12694

                got the new Do Make Say Think album friday and already I think this album is very good. not that the music is like Motorpsycho, but i think a lot of fans of MP will like DMST.

                From this year Fever Ray and the latest to Wilco are the best i think. and after i saw Grizzly Bear i bought their latest album and it’s really a great album. i couldn’t understand all the fuzz of this band in the beginning.

                and the last months i have listened a lot to The Knife.

                (vinyl vs cd discussion : I love that both DMST and Wilco put a cd of the album in the “vinyl package” so i can play it in my car when i drive for work)

                in reply to: Post your “Vinyl Only Comments” here ! (please) #13450

                  i have ordered the vinyl and looking forward to hear this album. I don’t think the reason for this vinyl release is made out of pure sound issues. I’ve seen in some post that buy a record player. Don’t get my wrong, i love to listen to my vinyl when i am in my living room. but if some people have a decent cd player and buy a cheap record player and think vinyl is better… sorry, but i can’t see that happening.

                  So see this record as a celebration of all the great years with Motorpsycho and nothing else.

                  about the digital world; i’ve started to buy vinyl lately again because a lot of the bands I like give you a link or a coupon when you buy the vinyl. i have bought cd’s since it has been moore important for me to be able to bring the music in my car, garden, boat, office etc… I know Wilco are a much bigger band than MP, but see how they are using the new age of music industry. when i’ve got their latest album I also got the cd so i can covert it to mp3, flac, apple looseless or whatever i want so i can listen to the music when i walk, run, drive my car or travel with a boat or whatever. Wilco also released som dvd when you put in the dvd you can download the songs in mp3 format so you can listen to the music whenever you want. so i really hope for the next normal release for Motorpsycho they will think of this stuff. Make a limited package with vinyl and digital format and put in a t-shirt or some other stuff, so many of their fans are big fans so they will have no problem getting in some extra money. if you pre-order this package you get some video/sound from a demo of one of the songs or maybe a song that didn’t make it to the final record.

                  hope this is possible in the future. I know i will pre-order.

                  in reply to: Child of the future #13229

                    “Barracuda is a joke of a record compared to this…and I like Barracuda”

                    thanx Shakti!!! i have been concerned since I saw somebody mentioned Barracuda. For me, the worst stuff Motorpsycho ever released. But for a band like Motorpsycho you can not get it right at every record. :-)

                    i’ve got the message from my local post office that the record has arrived, but since i finally had some good weater in the end of my vacation i have been in my boat most of the time (and played music from my ipod…you know these digital files which makes everything easier when you travel :D)

                    so tomorrow i finally will listen to it. i really don’t know what to expect. i see namedropping of songs that i really like and also of songs that i don’t like.

                    in reply to: Child of the future – deleyed!!! #12557

                      well,since we have to wait so long because of the cover i guess they will put it out at itunes :lol:

                      in reply to: New album! #11689
                        Have you thought that maybe they actually don’t want you to listen to it while driving in traffic and not paying attention to the music?

                        But I like to decide to play the music in my car or not. That’s my main point….. And i can appreciate music in my car.

                        I guess 10-13 years ago i would appreciate this moore. Remember when I went to Oslo to Voicer of Wonder (i think it was the name) at Grunerlökka and I found Motorpsycho stuff on vinyl. good times, but times are changing. I have a nice record player and will for sure buy the vinyl and looking forward to hearing this.

                        in reply to: New album! #11679

                          l love vinyl, but i think this is quite stupid also.

                          i have 40 min drive to my work when i listen to music in my car, i listen to music in my backyard through airport from my computer. when i walk i listen to my mp3 player. when i am at the beach or out in a boat i listen to my mp3 player/phone.

                          when i am at my computer i listen to itunes or spotify. this means that 80-90 % of my “listening time” is something else than vinyl.

                          so why not do like other bands like spoon, sunset rubdown etc.. When you ordering the vinyl you get a coupon with a code and then you can download the album and listen to it right away; in your car, home, outdoor etc.. i like that and it does not mean that i don’t love sitting down in the living room with a cold beer and listen to vinyl.

                          (i pre-ordered the new Wilco dvd and when i receive the dvd i will get a code so i can download all the songs on the dvd in mp3. i love it. Wilco is a band that I think have a good business plan for the future of the music industry)

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