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A great one from the olden days! Love it! Thank you, Bernie
My go to summer record 2022 is the latest project by Causa Sui. Beautiful cosmic jazz naturally akin to many of MP's jam modes:
In recent years London has become an epicenter for experimental, visionary jazz. On this unique session, two of the finest exponents of the London jazz scene, Tamar Osborn and Al MacSween, join forces with members of the celebrated Danish psychedelic underground – Jonas Munk, Jakob Skøtt and Martin Rude – to create a heady sonic brew. On this first volume of material there’s everything one could hope for in such a collaboration: sonically it summons the free flowing euphoria of Alice Coltrane and Pharoah Sanders’ work in the late 1960s and early 1970s. But there’s also a focus on rhythmic energy and vitality that calls to mind the grooviest krautrock or electric period Miles Davis, as well as a healthy dose of electronic experiments.
Throughout these five tracks the quintet paints with a colourful palette. Tamar Osborn shifts between baritone sax and flutes. Keyboardist Al MacSween doesn’t just stick with the tried and true electric piano – an instrument which he masters – but showers these tracks in analog synths and effects as well. Add to that the fact that Jonas Munk took a somewhat creative approach when editing and mixing these pieces – with effects boxes wired in, occasionally giving the mix a dubby, ambient atmosphere. Similar to Munk and Skøtt’s main project, Causa Sui, digging into the past becomes a vehicle to open up the future. What the quintet has created in these sessions is something quite unique.
Incidentally Käptn Peng & Die Tentakel von Delphi also performed at Herzberg Festival 2018 in the very slot before Motorpsycho on the same stage. I heard them from afar and liked them enough, but it's also not true Hip Hop, it's jazzy and kinda watered down, perfect summer vibes. Singer is a famous actor. A 90 minute slot for MP at a festival that caters to the general music fan, while certainly too short for us, seems appropriate, it's long enough to demonstrate what's all about and certainly long enough to slip in a few hits if they were so inclined
From what I heard it's supposed to be a single album comprised of regular tracks and one longer track. A pretty classic formula. I like that!
Update: After listening to the recording it seems there was only one encore after all (The Wheel). Jürgen confirmed it. Any other eye-witnesses? Pretty weird, standing pretty far in the back I had experienced it as two encores, with an encore break after "The Waning"…
Concerts visited: 78 between 1996-2022
Locations: many in Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, Norway, most notorious city hometown Berlin (17x), most notorious venues Conne Island Leipzig (5x) and Schlachthof Bremen (5x)
Different songs played: many
Song played most often: most likely Hogwash (23), Superstooge (21), The Other Fool (19), STG (18), but that is just a superficial count based on my own textfile with setlist from my shows
Song anticipated most: K9, always
> Berlin 1996: My first one. Only went there because the preview in the city mag sounded interesting.
> Dresden 1999: The first one I traveled to. My first K9 encore, close to 45 min. Point of no return.
> Hamburg 2000: The first one where I knew the entire catalogue, every song and the first one I taped.
> Leipzig / Berlin 2000: Getting hooked on travelling to see MP, making friends…
> Bielefeld 2001: Listening to the soundcheck where they kinda did The Who's "Live at Leeds"
> Oslo 2003: Tussler tour of Oslo, 4 shows in 4 days in 4 venues
> Rostock 2006: Intimate show with super setlist. Met my soon-to-be girl-friend, a fellow traveling MP fan, on the trip to this show from the previous one in Copenhagen. We are still together today
> Berlin 2008: The first MP show after a while, my first one with Kenneth, an explosion of energy!
> Leipzig 2010: The one with the 21 minute "Arne H" on Roadworks IV
> Bielefeld 2015: I remember the band as extraordinarily telepathic and dialed in. A rare trio show!
> München / Dresden 2022: The biggest difference between two consecutive shows I have yet witnessed.
This must be the longest show they have played yet (that we know of). Jürgen?
Great thread! Love reading the specials. But how do you guys count the individual songs seen? Is there a tool or clever way to do it other than manually? Is this something I can do with the help of the database?
Another tour in the books and what a tour it was! When's the next one?
Tour dates 2022 updated:
30.06.2022 – NO Storsalen, Harstad Kulturhus
06.08.2022 – AT Waldhausen, Lake On Fire Festival
07.08.2022 – CH Val de Bagnes, Palp Festival
12.08.2022 – NO Skien, Lundetangen Pub Sommerfest
10.09.2022 – DE Bremen, Hellseatic Festival
23.09.2022 – BE Leuven, Het Depot
Dresdner Neue Nachrichten review (behind paywall but pasted below):
Die norwegische Band Motorpsycho ließ es im Beatpol krachen
25.05.2022, 17:00 Uhr
Die Norweger von Motorpsycho wissen, wie man es gekonnt krachen lässt. „Kingdom of Oblivion“ heißt das neue Album der Norweger von Motorpsycho. Die heftigen Klänge sind alles andere als zum Vergessen, wie ihr Auftritt im Beatpol unter Beweis stellte.
Dresden.„Sind Erwachsene im Raum?“ – mit dieser Leitfrage beschäftigte sich einst Marie Lagarde in ihrer Zeit als Chefin des Internationalen Währungsfonds vor sieben Jahren und darob ein griechisch-französischer Biopic-Thriller auf der Grundlage des Buches vom linken Wirtschaftsprofessor und griechischen Kurzzeitfinanzminister Yanis Varoufakis. Doch der 2019er-Film von Altmeister Costa-Gavras wird wohl nie in deutsche Kinos kommen, denn zu hart werden Schäuble (gespielt von Ulrich Tukur) und die Machenschaften der Euro-Finanzminister inklusive der dubiosen Trojka, um vor allem französische und deutsche Banken zu retten, gegeißelt.
Satter Sound trifft auf Klanggewalt
Am Montagabend waren jedenfalls ausschließlich Erwachsene im Raum, zumindest was den Musikgeschmack anbetrifft. Zu Gast waren die Norweger von Motorpsycho mit ihrer jüngsten Scheibe „Kingdom of Oblivion“, dem 23. Studioalbum. Bent Sæther gründete mit Hans Magnus Ryan die Band 1989 in Trodheim, seither sind sie sich und ihrer Musik treu – das Name und Klang einer Rockcombo so waschecht korrespondieren, ist selten, obwohl er von einem Filmtitel geborgt sein soll.
Sæther ist Doppelhalsbassgitarrist und Leadsänger, Ryan spielt göttlich Leadgitarre und brilliert im wohlversetzten Satzgesang mit seinem Konterpart, der manchmal ein wenig an Progrockzeiten erinnert. Beide sind Jahrgang 1969, also nun im besten Alter – wie ihr Publikum. Seit 2017 sitzt Tomas Järmyr an den Trommelstöcken.
So zelebrieren sie gemeinsam eine wuchtige, kantige, aber immer melodiöse Klanggewalt sinfonischer Dichte, der man sich schwer entziehen und die man auch nicht in die gängigen Schubladen passt. Immer wieder mäandert einer solistisch, manchmal sogar jazzig von dannen, wird eingeholt, um gemeinsam zurückzufinden, um dann die nächste Sphäre einzutauchen.
Die ganze Bühne ist voller Technik, 16 orange Wallet-Augenpaare leuchten immer wieder in verschiedenen Formationen ins Publikum. Vier Fünftel im Publikum sind Herren, Frisur eher sportlich, Modegrundton Schwarz – es war voll, es war laut, es war warm, die einzigartige Beatpolatmosphäre hat sie wieder. Angenehm auch, dass sich heuer die übliche Filmer- oder Knipserei arg in Grenzen hält.
Wider der Erwartung
Nach sechzig Minuten der erste Stimmungswechsel, plötzlich Farbe im Lichtspiel, eine Art goldgelber Sonnenkreis am hinteren Bühnenhorizont und kurzzeitig sanftere Töne – doch dann geht es weiter in rhythmischere Gefilde, jede Erwartung wird immer wieder konterkariert, Motorpsycho bieten keine Songs, sondern Gewitterarien. Und mit „The Waning Pt.1&2“ – eine Ode an die menschliche Dekonstruktionskraft, mit Schwarz-Weiß-Video-Sequenzen hinterlegt – gelingt ihnen der Soundtrack zur dritten Dekade im dritten Jahrtausend.
Dass Motorpsycho schon seit Anfang Mai in zwei Staffeln durch das Land tourt, ist nicht zu bemerken. Der Beatpol war (wie so oft) der einzige Anker im Osten – sieht man mal vom Festsaal in Kreuzberg ab. Das Glücksgefühl der Erwachsenen drückte sich hier nicht durch Grölen oder Kreischen, sondern durch Kopfnicken, Grinsen und Beifall aus.
Ohne Zweifel der bisherige Höhepunkt der Dresdner Konzertsaison für lautere Musik – dem weitere folgen, die man stringent und sofort nutzen sollte.
Von Andreas Herrmann
Oh man! We kinda knew they would gonna peak in Bielefeld but had no idea it would result in something like THIS! Brilliant build-up and sequence in that setlist from start to encore.
Yesterday (23.05.2022) in Dresden Motorpsycho performed a total Rock show, like a discharge of energy, resulting in an ultra heavy concert. Dresden's Beatpol soon turned into a sweaty Sauna but that wouldn't stop the band from forging ahead blasting one nasty rocker after another at us, just relentless and so heavy. This show had a total different charakter compared to the two previous nights. There were also veritable rarities such as "Frances" and "Rattlesnake", both tour debuts (with only two shows left of the tour). Even the more contemplative "A Pacific Sonata", while providing a much needed breather with the first part, was executed in the second part with force the way I have never heard it before, a total stand out version. After a main set and a short encore the show was basically over after 2h10min but the crowd forced the band back for a second encore which Bent intros with "You asked for it…" and off they go into an extreme, over the top, super heavy 21 min version of "The Wheel", everyone's favourite, their most primal riff taken to incredible heights, higher and higher until the whole place is just one screaming mess. What a blast!
There were two encores:
Like Chrome
The Wheel
Bavarian Guitar String Summit: Motorpsycho delivers psychedelic scorcher at Backstage in München 22.05.2022! A dream setlist is the launchpad for a distinct Sunday show charaterized by long solos, dueling guitars and improvisational explorations within a psych 'n' prog realm, leaving the heavy riffing almost entirely aside until the encore. It's hard to single out highlights as the show was one long cohesive trip but of course I will have to mention the beautiful beginning with "Taifun" and "Manmower", the latter breaking entirely new ground for five minutes in its jam. I will also have to mention a brilliant 15 minute "Dreamhome", a personal favourite of mine, an insane "STG" and the 17 minute "Mountain" during which Reine took the first solo, the major one, and he just killed it. And we got NOXed again. Smiling band, decently filled venue, crowd into it, 2h45min show. München and Motorpsycho truely delivered. Thank you! On to Dresden…
(Copied from the other thread in order to have all things Köln 06.05.2022 in this thread for later reference.)