Kid A

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  • in reply to: The Crucible (Feb 15, 2019) #34350
    Kid A

      Yea, the Trust Us Box. I´m almost as excited for this one as for the new album/EP, if that´s possible. And, related to another thread, wouldn´t it be the perfect opportunity for adding Rad.Freq to the 2019 live selists :mrgreen:

      in reply to: The Crucible (Feb 15, 2019) #34345
      Kid A

        No spoilers for me :wink: I like the feeling of experiencing completely new sounds when I put a new record on the turntable

        in reply to: The Crucible (Feb 15, 2019) #34340
        Kid A

          Presale is up on Stickman 4th of January. Ltd. silver vinyl for me :D

          in reply to: The Crucible (Feb 15, 2019) #34322
          Kid A

            If the info is right, it would be the shortest playing MP album ever, beating Phano which is about 44 minutes

            in reply to: The Crucible (Feb 15, 2019) #34313
            Kid A

              To have the originals hanging in your living room – that’s a good chance for “Fan Of The Year” title

              in reply to: The Crucible (Feb 15, 2019) #34310
              Kid A


                But… I’ m not so excited about the cover. For my very own personal taste :wink: the simpler designs the band used in the past look much more interesting, like Trust Us or LTEC.

                Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fantastic cover, as well as The Tower, but this “Painting” Style looks kind of “proggy” to me, if you know what I mean. It looks like this chaotic middle part of Lux Aeterna sounds, and I do love the other parts more.

                Just my humble opinion :D

                Nevertheless, can’t wait to hold it in my hands and let it spin!

                in reply to: Lux Aeterna #34288
                Kid A

                  But if the record is really in some Greek tradition it will surely develop some kind of Catharsis. Going deep into the dark to climb back to (the eternal?) light. Oh man, I’m so excited for this one :twisted:

                  in reply to: 2018-11-11 Forum, Bielefeld #33683
                  Kid A
                    in reply to: 2018-11-16 Dachstock, Bern #34263
                    Kid A

                      Seems they dropped Lux Aeterna for the moment

                      in reply to: 2018-11-14 Schüür, Luzern #34234
                      Kid A

                        I know absolutely what marc means. It’s hard to put into words, but there’s this special magic in the old live performances, ,woven by the interplay of the three norsemen, especially in the groove hold together by Bent and Gebhardt. That’s where songs like The Wheel come from

                        in reply to: 2018-11-14 Schüür, Luzern #34223
                        Kid A


                          in reply to: 2018-11-12 Beatpol, Dresden #34179
                          Kid A

                            @Be: 2017 of course. Time runs by…

                            in reply to: 2018-11-12 Beatpol, Dresden #34173
                            Kid A

                              It is, if you consider it is played without any extra jamming. But nevertheless a lot of breaks and changes within a short time.

                              Regarding the setlists, I think it comes with the nature of the in-between-tour. Next year will see a lot of new Stuff apparently.

                              I’m glad that I got two quite different sets this year, being in Bremen and Bielefeld. One spaced out, one more straight. Missed Manmower in Bremen, got it on Sunday. And glad to got not another round of Chien this time. Got my share in the past 20 years :P

                              in reply to: 2018-11-11 Forum, Bielefeld #33636
                              Kid A

                                Band were in a good mood, seemed to enjoy the show very much.

                                Very powerful show with effectively thrown in more quiet moments.

                                About 2:30 h I think (correct me, if I’m wrong)

                                The new song sounded promising, fits well with the Tower songs.

                                The vocals sounded interesting, but it’s hard to tell live.

                                It really got me excited for the upcoming album.

                                in reply to: your inevitable earworm #34160
                                Kid A

                                  It changes from time to time:


                                  Flick of the wrist (the riff, not the lyrics)

                                  In the Family


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                                …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994