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  • in reply to: Bare en tanke. #17343

      Mange tanker her!

      GBD, jeg er jammen ikke sikker pÃ¥ hva jeg prøvde Ã¥ si, men jeg mente vel egentlig ikke Ã¥ starte opp igjen den gode gamle vokal-diskusjonen. Er godt fornøyd med dem begge to, Snah har jo virkelig tatt seg opp, og selv om Bent kan overraske negativt innimellom, sÃ¥ overrasker han like ofte positivt synes jeg! Taifun, un chien og mange andre lÃ¥ter som stÃ¥r og faller litt pÃ¥ vokalen er ofte fullstendig gÃ¥sehudfremkallende (nÃ¥ har jeg ikke hørt “skrekk-eksemplene” som noen av dere trekker fram fra nÃ¥værende turnè..)

      Det er sÃ¥ mange andre kvaliteter som veier opp for litt sure toner i ny og ne at jeg ikke syns det er noe som trengs Ã¥ diskuteres ihjel. (NÃ¥r det er sagt, sÃ¥ har jeg hørt noen kill some days som har vært totalt ruinert av vokalen.. SÃ¥ Bent, det e’ bar’ Ã¥ øv! Come August, the world is watching!)

      in reply to: Effenaar 23.05.10 #17074

        Sweet baby Jesus, what a setlist.. Hope someone are recording these shows!!

        in reply to: Alta, 30.04.10 #16918

          Didn’t see you either! I sat on a barstool at the left of the stage.. My phone went out of batt., was meaning to call you before the show. Should have a few beers soon and talk about the show!

          in reply to: Alta, 30.04.10 #16916

            Finally a proper internetconnection so I can give my two cents about the show..

            Really great one, loved how they just entered the stage at 21.00 with only a handful of people in the venue.. Year Zero is a great opener, and I really love the bombproof.. now that I’ve heard it live a few times. What else to say really? Starhammer, greener, stg, little lucid moments, the other other etc. etc. Fantastic night.. too bad I won’t see them anymore this tour.

            Great pics btw!

            in reply to: Driv, Tromsø 29.04.2010 #16870

              Very good show i.m.h.o.. The band was in a very good mood, and seemed to be happy to be playing again, just the three of them. I was a little surprised by the setlist, alot of old tunes! Funny moment when Bent encouraged the audience to make some “arctic electronica”-static before “a shrug” (“some of you must have been alive back then”).

              I’m actually surprised about the lenght of the concert, didn’t feel that short. I guess it was a good example of “quality before quantity”..

              Too many great moments in there to comment about, the opening, sideway spiral, stg, starhammer, a shrug, loneliness.. and Kenneth. I know, i should probably stop commenting about him, because he is an integrated part of the band now, something that hit me during the opening of STG, but he did actually save this band when he showed up, let’s not forget that.

              The only drawback for me was that Bent had shaved.. I had alot of ZZ Top-jokes going before the show!

              Well, gotta get back to Alta now, last comment:

              Hearing them open this tour with Year Zero gave me shivers down my back, I guess there was some thought behind that.. Sail on!

              in reply to: MOTORPSYCHO TOUR – MAY 2010 #14562

                Ok, so I’ve got my ticket for the Tromsø-gig, have to leave my girlfriend behind (cudos to her for her coping with how my need to see MP makes us eat noodles for a month..), so I was wondering if any of you boarders would like to have a beer before what I presume will be the kickoff of one of the best Motorpsycho-tours in years?

                in reply to: Kvarteret tonight postponed #16442

                  I feel for you guys. I just hope these volcanoclouds will pass in good time before the Tromsø/Alta-gigs or I will go into a deep psychosis.

                  in reply to: MOTORPSYCHO TOUR – MAY 2010 #14545

                    TraktorBass, your right. I guess this board isn’t swarming with people from Alta. I have a pretty good idea about who you are too, but I won’t reveal your secret identity. TraktorBass can still roam the streets fighting crime in peace.

                    in reply to: MOTORPSYCHO TOUR – MAY 2010 #14542

                      Ha! I’m excited now! Just a few weeks after the Motorsilent gig on Rockefeller, I get to see them again at my home turf in Alta.

                      And Timothys at øya later this year. Good times to be a psychonaut..

                      in reply to: MOTORPSYCHO TOUR – MAY 2010 #14508

                        Alta?? Is this confirmed, TraktorBass?? I live in Alta too.. Didn’t think that I would live to see the day.

                        in reply to: Oslo, Summer, WHAT THE…? #16351

                          This is one hell of a choice to make, but i landed on TM on first and Demon Box second.. As much as I’d love to hear DB live, I think TM would work best as a setlist.. think about that beginning with feel.. now its time.. giftland.. Watersound.. The Wheel.. And that ending with Anneli Drecker on guest vocals. I had to go for TM, though I feel I have kinda betrayed my beloved DM.

                          in reply to: – Music taste #14625
                            in reply to: January new album!!! #14760

                              I think they’re saving the rest of the Roadworks for when they are too old to play live/record anything, and start releasing stuff from their vaults to pay for their coffee and listeningdevices..

                              in reply to: January new album!!! #14758

                                Vorsla: You don’t like the Demon Box cover?? It’s one of their greatest in my o. ..

                                Anyway, love the new cover, love the title, as always: can’t wait. Just hope they keep ’em coming every six months or so from now on.. Getting spoiled again already!

                                in reply to: 20th Aniversary Dime Bonanza #13621

                                  Ah, this is great! Thank you, whoever you are!

                                  Can some of you oldones (Cthulhus..) who knows about these recordings give us some tips about which to download? I have a pretty full HD and I can’t sample each one of them. So I’d be glad if someone would give some tips. I’m kindofa soundfreak so I need the sound to be good, but I’ve been looking for early shows for years now so thanks again..

                                  20 years, 20 more to come! Rock on, boys..

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                                …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994