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And Serpentine.
Also, Bent introduced Ingvald and said ”He’s our new drummer”!
The show was fantastic! They seemed to really enjoy themselves and the crowd was good. Ingvald is a great fit, he might be a tad sloppier than previous drummers but keep in mind it was his very first gig with these songs (and hell, Keith Moon wasn’t exactly tidy either). And he shines on the longer jammmier tunes.
Reine joined in for a couple of songs, on keys mostly but strapped on a guitar for some of the encores (Uberpilgrim and Rock bottom).
Starhammer was a treat. Probably my favourite of theirs from my favourite record.
Cool, they performed the new album backwards.
Now on Spotify!
Fellow Psychonauts! Brand new song from my brand new project, Great Wide.
A little bit experimental, alternative rock, kind of dark I guess. Please have a listen, and I hope you like it!
I can count the times on one hand so far; Stockholm in 2009, London in 2010, Kongsberg in 2011, and then back in Stockholm a couple of weeks ago.
Oh man, you got Taifun!!! Lucky sons'o'bitches!!
Some additional info:
Approx. 2h 20m, there was a ten oclock curfew. No visuals, I suspect the stage was too small. Bent introduced Kristoffer as "Susanna". And, still no HMF with Tomas (right?) which to me is a bummer. Wouldn't mind me some Tomas-infused Starhammer.
As far as I could tell:
Intrepid Explorer
Dream home
Ship o’ fools
No evil
Hey Jane
Fools Gold
Fantastic show! Way too bass heavy where I was standng though, but over all fantastic!
Ok, so I've posted an EP before, but yesterday I released my first ever fullength album, 9 songs (and an intro) over 45 minutes. It's a conceptual record, a chronologically told story from beginning to end. It's in Swedish though but I could hit you up with a translation if you'd care for it
Heavily inspired by Motorpsycho, longtime fan, but I'm not sure it spills into the music much, you be the judge I guess. Hope you like it.
Could someone please put the recording of this up on Motortrades? Would be greatly appreciated!
@Johnny_Heartfield I know, but I'm saving up for a Thorens TD-160 that I got my eye on, I used to have some crappy no name that got busted.
Actually really hard to find it anywhere in stereo, all files out there are in mono for some reason. Anyone have them in decent quality? I also have the vinyl, I just don't have a record player.
I have an EP on Spotify. Been (maybe carelessly) compared to Reine Fiskes band Dungen a couple of times. Five songs in swedish. Joachim Dahlbergs Vindkraft – Tankekraft EP. Hope you like it.